Should We Switch? | Teen Ink

Should We Switch?

January 17, 2013
By Mr.Ferrari14 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Mr.Ferrari14 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Let me start off by saying, I personally love cars. I especially love supercars. They are fast, powerful, and beautiful. Its about three thousand pounds of pure carbon fiber, aluminum, and rubber. But our gas-powered cars are destroying our earth. We need to put a stop to this. We need to make this a worldwide issue. I dearly and truly love cars but, we need to save our home, our only home. We need to save our environment. All in all, I just want to make it aware that there is a problem that we are creating, and we need to stop it now.

Imagine the sounds of F1 cars, NASCAR, and rally cars. What would happen if we switched to electric cars? Would that beautiful sound turn in to the electric car’s high pitch squeals. Gas powered cars have a unique sound that electric cars will never have.

Our first cars were gas powered, then a little bit later America switched to electric cars for environmental reasons. After this, they found that the batteries were much too expensive, and it was easier to build gas powered cars, so they switched back to gas powered cars.

If we were able to keep on using electric cars, we will be able to harness the energy and be more familiar with their technology involved with electric cars. If we follow these steps, we can make our way toward electric cars being number one.

Do you know how much a NASCAR car cost? It cost about 150,000 – 200,000 dollars that is stock. Engine upgrades and maintaining the car can range from 80,000 to 100,000. On the other hand a F1 car can range from a low budget 80,000 to an expensive monster 790,000 dollars. Last but not least WRC (World Rally Cars) cars are around 500,000 dollars. Imagine replacing all these cars, and remember that all the prices I told you, are for one car… ONLY ONE RACING CAR. Making a change from these racing cars of today to electric racing cars won’t be a good idea because electric cars aren’t nearly as fast as gas powered racing cars. Also the Owner of the racing teams won’t be happy replacing the cars they put so much hours, money, and hard work into them, and so will their millions and millions of fans.

In the world today, there is approximately 600,000,000 million cars on the road as of 1997. According to “Number of cars Physics factbook”, this number of cars will double by 2030 to 1,200,000,000 cars worldwide. Imagine replacing not all, but most of these cars, that will take a long time. These cars range from luxurious SUV to old sedans. According to Fisker their flash ship car Karma, has a top speed of 125mph, my mini van can go faster than that (140mph). That is sad, and the Fisker Karma is a little bit over 100,000 and my minivan is a little bit under 30,000. For electric supercars to have a chance they need to make them go faster and accelerated faster. The Karma can go from 0-60 in 7.9 seconds, that is slow, a supercar can do it at most 4 seconds. They seriously need to work on that, to get people that own gas-powered supercars to look into buying them, if not then they will not get any sales. But if you don’t need an electric supercar, don’t worry there are many more types of electric/hybrid cars. For example there is the well known hybrid called the Toyota Prius on the market, and also the all electric Nissan Leaf. The Nissan Leaf can squeeze about 100-110 miles on a single charge. And the Prius can go about 45 mpg that is about 300-400 miles. Remember stats are dependent on the way to drive/conditions (snow, sleet, luggage etc..) Both the Prius and the Leaf will cost around 40,000. But you have to change the battery about every 4 years for 1,000-2,000 dollars. But on the bright side about having an electric/hybrid car is you won’t have to worry about your oil change, (every 3-4 months) which will save you 30-40 dollars each time you don’t go. Per kWh you spend an average of 12 cents in the USA per kwh, for an electric car. That is about paying a quarter as much as you do for fuel.

I went to New England Dragway and the experience of going to a drag strip for the first time was amazing. The noise of all the cars and motorcycles touched my heart, and made me forget about everything else in the world. I went on a open street night, which meant anybody that wanted to enter into the races could. Seeing those gas powered machines reach their rev limiter was a thing to see. Another experience, was going for a ride in one of my dad’s friends Nissan GTR and his Porsche 911 GT3 RS. That was probably one of the best experience I had ever had in my life. Those experience make my love cars, but also make me think about what kind of effects they had on the world. They are cool and all but they either need to lower the Co2 emission rates. All in all these experiences were life and mind changers.
To wrap everything up, I think we should switch to electric cars. But not right now because the economy is down, and the unemployment rates are up. Nobody will buy electric cars, when they can’t even support themselves, let alone their family members. We need to switch as soon as possible because we can all easily see all the damages and effects we have done to our earth. We, as a world, need to make a switch.

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