Fast Forward | Teen Ink

Fast Forward

March 4, 2013
By Anonymous

The room was spinning, and she couldn't do anything about it, she couldn't stop it, not even slow it down a little.
But, most of the time it wasn't just here in her room that she felt like this. Sometimes her whole life was like this. Not necessarily spinning, almost in fast forward. With no way of turning it off, like a remote with only one button.
At night, she'd lie in bed and stare at the glow in the dark stars stuck to her ceiling, and she would just think. Never about anything in particular, just life in general. Things she did in the past, things she wanted to do in the future. Which seems normal enough right ?
But it didn't feel normal, nothing did. It all felt kind of surreal, like a dream.
A very fast paced dream, that she couldn't wake up from.

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