Rights | Teen Ink

Rights MAG

March 21, 2013
By JPaduganan BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
JPaduganan BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never having to sacrifice
what we believe are rights
makes us not ignorant
but lucky.

Knowing that we have
no control
over these “rights” and yet
still joking, laughing, pointing
makes us ignorant.

A world without color
without trees,


sweet candy,
without sound
is a possible world.

One that we have
a hard time understanding.
Because when life becomes
unknown, strange, scary
we turn to ignorance.

We turn away.
We turn to anything
familiar and easily understood.

If only we could see
that those who seem lacking
are more whole,
then ignorance becomes wisdom
and fear becomes courage.

We were created the way
we were intended to be,
with or without all five senses.
It is time we come to our senses.

Let differences fade
and ignorance dissipate
like the tiny bubbles of dew
on an ocean of little green feathers
as the sun rises.

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