Legalize Same-Sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

March 25, 2013
By Penguin5 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
Penguin5 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How would you feel if your son or daughter came to you and told you that they are in love however they could not marry? You would want your child to be happy with the person they love and fight for their marital rights wouldn’t you? Should it matter the gender of the other person? Well homosexual couples and their families all over the country and the world are denied their rights to marry. The couples’ families are outraged and they have every right to be. Same sex marriage is a union between two people; the gender of the couple should not matter. Couples all over the U.S. are denied the right to marry because of religious followers and a mass of narrow-minded people who don’t like change and think same sex marriage is weird. Marriage is a union of two loving souls, why deny a group based on who they love?

One reason that the right to marry same sex is denied is because of the misconception that in the Holy Bible, Jesus had told that a same sex couple is an abomination. This, however, is untrue. In the pages of the Holy book there is no mention of a person’s exact sexual orientation, homosexual or otherwise. The religious propaganda opposing homosexual couples and marriage is just a lie to more efficiently spread the distaste of homosexuality.

People love each other, fully and truly. Many same sex couples love each other just as much as a heterosexual couple. They are no different. We are all people, take away the gender and we are all equal so why treat some different than others? Only eight states have legalized same sex marriage: Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Maine, and Washington. If they can get the votes why not everyone else? Love is love people; love is love no matter the gender of the two. Would you deny a couple who was straight? Did we vote on your marriage? No, we didn’t, why should anyone else besides you and your partner have a say in your marriage? Let the whole population love, let them have that day, their wedding day. What harm could it do? There is no harm done in letting two girls or two boys get married.

Many people believe the definition of marriage is when a man and a woman are sworn in matrimony, they see no room for change. The definition of marriage is and should be to many others the union of two people willing to spend their lives together. Love is blind to gender likewise should marriage.

In conclusion, same sex marriage is not wrong and should be legalized in all states across the U.S.. Love is love and the wholeness of marriage will not be thwarted by letting two people marry each other even if they are the same sex. Let love be only that; love, not a political vote and a debate. Love is love and that’s all that matters.

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