Gun Laws | Teen Ink

Gun Laws

April 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Now to start I dont want anyone to get upset. I just want to express my opinion on gun laws. This is how I veiw it. The law they are trying to pass is keeping all americans from having guns in there home to keep people from comiitting crimes, the people who are committing the crimes are already breaking laws so putting new laws in place is not going to change there additude at all. Let me give you a scenario. You are at home its 12:30 at night, someone breaks through the door points a gun at you. If you had a gun at home because there is a law in place so you die. Drugs are illeagl but people still get them so how would guns be any different. People will find away. I am open to all comments this is my personal oppinion. I want to hear yours maybe you will show me a different perspective.

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