Heights of Adverstising! | Teen Ink

Heights of Adverstising!

July 29, 2013
By Anonymous

"There is something about honesty
'cause if you dont tell people the truth, who will?
So tell your cousin his football skills wont get him to the world cup, tell your brother his favourite wrestler is an actor and tell your mom you'd rather go to the dentist than watch her favourite drama series.
Its okay, you're doing them a favour.
And if you ever hesitate, take a sip of sprite...
It'll keep you refreshingly honest!"

We can see from this how creative companies can get to sell their products....

Although it was at the peak of fakeness, the way the maker of this piece has played with the words...
hats off!!

The author's comments:
I was drinking a sip of SPRITE and this piece of writing ended up being in front of my eyes.

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