Poverty Among Us | Teen Ink

Poverty Among Us

October 29, 2013
By Anonymous

October 17, 2013
Poverty Among Us

This past year, my family and I visited a soup kitchen, for church, in Wilmington, Delaware. I had never been to a soup kitchen, and I didn't know what to expect. As we were driving there, we saw many people walking around with garbage bags and smoking. I could tell we were getting closer. The buildings were molding with cracked windows, and the cars around us were rusty and some were even broken down. Fearing that I’ll be shot at, I looked straight ahead and didn’t stare at anyone. I was scared.
When we arrived, people were still walking in. Casually, we said "Hello." and kept walking. I had to say, it was a little awkward. We walked in and they put us right to work. We started to pass out hard boiled eggs and cups. I just did as I was told. After I passed out everything, I went back to the kitchen and picked up more things to hand out. The people were very polite, even though they probably never went to school.
Many were in wheel chairs, were missing teeth, and most of them were wearing tattered and old clothes. They seemed so happy, but they also seemed so sad. I could tell from looking at their gloomy faces that they had been through a lot. Many of them will be eating here for a long time. Although, they did seem happy. Everyone was helping them. My parents, my friends, and complete strangers. I was glad that I could just put a smile on their faces. My church group probably made their day or even their week.
It's very sad how people can suffer like this while millionaires can sail in there multimillion dollar yachts. I'm glad that at least some people take time out of their day to help people that are less fortunate than them in their communities. Also, it's always happy when you hear about all the celebrities all over the country that support certain charities, or that they went to Africa and donated food and other supplies. I hope that more celebrities would help, but I guess it will take time.
Poverty has affected the world in many different ways. It has divided the world into three catagories: the wealthy, the middle-class, and the lower-class. Many people die every day because of poverty. People suffer on the streets with no shelter or food. You can’t walk through the streets of New York without seeing a homeless person. There is poverty among us and it needs to be stopped.

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