VFW Scholarship Essay | Teen Ink

VFW Scholarship Essay

December 16, 2013
By Matthew Bomberg BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Matthew Bomberg BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Politics is a big part of everyone’s lives—it affects every day decisions and overall outcome of event. People are both directly and indirectly effects by politics whether through their career choice or through their family and friend relations. In the following paragraphs, you will learn the reasons people, along with myself, still can understand and be optimistic about this notions future—through politics.

Politics affects every person on the planet. But, the reason people—along with myself—can stay optimistic in hard times is for one reason, voting. No matter how much one person fails during their presidency, within four years a new president can be elected. For example, President Obama and his actions have caused a federal government shut down. Yet, in 2016 we can elect a better, republican, president to fix the mistakes made by President Obama.

Another reason to stay optimistic is because the voter’s choice. Voter’s choice allows each individual to express their views on a national and state level. There is a way for every voice to be heard, and thanks to the democracy formed in this country, our views as individuals are heard. If we don’t think a Politian is doing his job to the best of his abilities, a person in this great nation can tell them so!

Democracy. In a nutshell, I can be optimistic about our nation because it was formed on democracy. Democracy is a government ideal that all people not only have a say in the government, but can also run the government. Our founding fathers could have easily decided to create a government similar to a dictatorship where not one person would have a say or do so in government. It reminds me each day that I am proud of where I live and I have faith in this nation’s future.

Our fore fathers brought this nations ideals with them as the fled from a tyrant. They fled from a king that made their lives in the colonies worse. Striving to be better, they created a government that still stands today, a government that allows people of all kinds to hold an interest in politics.
Politics affects everyone, it always has. It decides whether people are safe or if they are making money. It helps people decide their future. For small business owners even slight changes can affect them. But politics lets people with an interest in business owning to pursue their career. It allows people like myself to open their own business.

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