Food Nannies | Teen Ink

Food Nannies

December 16, 2013
By Leesha BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Leesha BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keeping yourself healthy is something everyone should be personally accountable for. If someone is overweight or obese, it is their own responsibility to change that. If someone doesn't want to eat correctly, then they won't be, no matter what regulations are put into action by our government. Like the examples that were given in the video, “Myths, Lies, and Complete Stupidity” with John Stossel, taking away and putting restrictions on unhealthy food will not change the mindset of the American people.
Having less healthy food be cheaper and more available may be wrong, but adding a tax on fat or “bad food” in general will not change what people buy. They want the squishy, white bread and sugary soda. Our brains actually get a rush of dopamine, due to our brain’s natural survival instincts, when eating these foods causing us to become addicted. Not many people crave broccoli and carrots because they aren't high in carbs or fat; they aren't as satisfying to us. Companies, like Coca-cola and Cheetos, actually spend money on scientists to make their product more addictive to humans and keep them coming back for more. If prices are raised on these items, people will just end up spending more money. Nothing the government can do will change that because people will still want it.
Even if people knew what they were eating, they still probably would buy the same food. Let’s just face it; most people really don't care what artificial sugars or trans-fats are really doing to them. Their relationship with food is at a “don’t ask, don’t tell” basis. As long as it tastes good, they will eat it, no matter the consequences. It will have a direct effect on them eventually but they don't want to know that nor do they care. Hopefully one day people will figure it out, but until then the government's hands are tied. Unless they could actually go inside our minds, they don't have any effective cure to change the way people are eating.
As stated in the video, the tax on fat in Europe was ineffective because people found loopholes. If the US government were to do that, or something similar, people will find plenty of ways to get around it. Because of technology today, people are connected all over the world. It takes five minutes to go online and find something from another country and have it shipped to your house in a few days. And if they banned salt at restaurants people would bring their own. We are not a society known for following the rules as we could learn from the ban on alcohol in the 20’s. If people want salt or fat, they’re going to get salt and fat.
Even though we wish we were a healthier country, government involvement on what we eat is not a good idea. Although some choices may be unhealthy, people should have the freedom to eat what they want. The government may not realize this, but our diets are our own decisions. So, let the table salt live on.

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