Move or you will be left behind | Teen Ink

Move or you will be left behind

January 2, 2014
By LilSaints9 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LilSaints9 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Move or you will be left behind

How would you feel as a parent if you were in the circumstances as the parents of Sandy Hook elementary slaughter? The idea of Gun Control is a main crisis in today world. People are debating on if guns should be allowed or not. Guns should be banned out of the hands of citizens because the USA has seen a rise in gun violence in schools so an action should be taken to provide safety for kids, children are being harmed every day by the act of murder from guns and guns are being too easy to get in the hands of sick people.

Anti – gun control and Pro-gun control are the two viewpoints of the two different sides. Anti – gun control states that it’s there right to bear arm due the constitution. Pro gun control is the opposite. They view that the constuition is old that guns should be legislate. Both sides have their facts and opinion to support their reason. Its up to you, which side are you going to take and stand behind.

You have the right to vote and say what you want, open your mouth and make a stand that will better the lives of other. As in others I’m referring to the poor little innocent ones that can’t protect themselves by fist. People are walking in their schools and mass killing them. Shouldn’t school there be a place to learn and have fun? Students are now practicing ways to evacuate their schools since a growth of shootings have taken place in schools. According to Hutchinson “between 1996 and 2001 there have been 16 shootings at U.S schools, resulting in deaths of 65” (elilbrary). Sooner or later let’s forget about the rights to bear arms and focus on the precious lives at stake.

Gunning and killing of a child is familiar to today’s world. We watch NBC and see it mostly every day. Kids are being brutally put to rest every day from the act of guns without a consequence. “Averages of 12 children a day are killed by guns in the U.S” (elilbrary). Statistics like this don’t show up good on the behalf of citizens. Many times of this killing are your children and happening right in our community. To sum it up, something should be done to prevent this and decrease the sells of done.

Any license gun- owner can walk into a gun store and purchase a gun. Some sellers don’t provide check or require an idea. Most of the time there are no limits on how many rounds you can buy. The chances of a gun falling in the hands of a criminals or mentally unstable person are more likely to happen. They don’t use the guns for quote on quote self-defense. Keep in mind analysis found that “the U.S has far more the highest rate if gun ownership with 88.8% out of a 100 privately owned guns” (Sirs knowledge source). Every household basically has a gun. How can we call our self being safe and giving deadly weapons o anybody?

Guns can be used in an orderly fashion as a way of an activity or sport. Hunting is a basic sport that requires guns. When people misuse the gun and start using them as street battles on off gun shooting territories then it turns into a problem. Hunting is a great sport and you should try it but having that gun in your house that nobody can tell your purpose for isn’t a good belief. To conclude the bad overpowers the favorable.

Police aren’t always going to come to your rescue. By you having a register gun in precession, you could protect or scare of any harm that comes your way. We all acknowledge that guns can be a helpful tool for self defense but most if the occurrences, firearms have a different purpose of handling things. That’s invading someone house or taking his or her life.

In Conclusion the use of guns is not being used properly and should be taken out the hands of citizens or establish a gun law that is persist and carried out everywhere. We need to come together and work as a one country, one blood and one family to better our feature and make America a safe place like it was once. We having people relying on us to make a move and turn this whole situation around. Lets try to please both sides but make sure it’s the best way that will avoid from coming back to this dead point. We can offer to loose no more live and it all start here.

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My english teacher inspired.

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