You are Never Safe | Teen Ink

You are Never Safe

January 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you think teens put way too much information about themselves on social networks? Well i do. Teens put their addresses, phone numbers and pictures of themselves online. What teens don’t know is that anybody can see their information. I believe that teens share way too much information about themselves on social networks.

Teens may argue that predators and people they don’t know won’t look at their pictures; that is wrong. Anybody can see their pictures if it’s online. Today people can screenshot a picture of you or anybody else and photoshop it to be a terrible picture. This could make your chances of getting a job not as good because people could make you look like you do something that you actually don’t do. Somebody could ruin your life.

Critics may argue the GPS system on facebook and Instagram is so cool and helpful. Little do they know that anybody can see where they were, what they were doing and what time you were there. This means a sexual predator can come take you or even make you do things you do things that you don’t want to do. You can never be safe on social networks.

For example, a couple of years ago a girl that lived near my school actually killed herself from kids bullying her on Facebook. Nobody reported it so it got out of hand. It is so scary to think about these young teens getting picked on and nobody is doing anything about it.

I believe that teens share way too much information about themselves on social networks. Teens may argue that these problems will never happen to them but they are absolutely wrong. It could happen to anyone. Remember the girl who killed herself. There is a big solution; use the privacy settings these social networks provide. It will prevent a lot of problems and you don’t have to worry who is seeing you information.

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