Obama Impeachment | Teen Ink

Obama Impeachment

February 28, 2014
By MilitiFutura1776 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
MilitiFutura1776 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is impeachment? It is the presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house. Today I will be talking about the Impeachment of the current president of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II. You might ask “ What are the reasons to Impeach Mr. Obama?” and today I will be giving you some of those reasons. Here are some of the reasons:
Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain)
Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies
Violating the War Powers Act
Failure to enforce U.S. law
Failure to take necessary steps to secure our border and stem the flow of illegal immigration

Those are just five reasons why Mr. Obama should be impeached. Does anyone know what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya? The United States special mission compound was ambushed by insurgents on the 11th year anniversary of 9/11. Four U.S. personnel were killed, one including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The U.S. military had ships in Libyan water 20 minutes away. A diplomatic security agent along with two former Navy SEALS rejected the stand-down orders so they could defend the people inside the consulate. According to military sources there is a 98% certainty that the Benghazi attacks were uplinked by overhead drones to networks that include the White House Situation Room, the State Department and CIA headquarters so they could monitor the attacks in real-time. Immediately, Barack Obama issued a stand-down order before watching his own American people die on camera.
I have provided you with facts that has you wondering “Is impeachment the ethical procedure to take?” I believe impeachment is ethical and it should be implemented against this tyrant we call a president, but that is my opinion and I believe we all have opinions and we should respect each others rights.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for my persuasive essay in my English class. I chose this topic because politics has a big influence on my life and I have liked politics for a long time.

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