What is going on in the US? | Teen Ink

What is going on in the US?

March 16, 2014
By MilitiFutura1776 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
MilitiFutura1776 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The government is spying on it’s citizens by getting into their cameras and speakers on the citizens phones. As America is becoming more and more into a police state, our civil liberties are being destroyed and the constitution is being shredded by both political parties. One journalist Alex Jones has been keeping America updated with his website and his podcast available for the Iphone and Ipad The Alex Jones Show.
America is in distress as groups like the IRS and NSA have been trampling the Fourth Amendment. Politicians on both-sides have been calling whistleblowers terrorists. One of the ways to stop America from being destroyed by these puppet politician pigs is to become awake and learn about our constitution and God given rights. Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, America has been on a roller coaster of collapse and destruction. There has been more government spying and drone use. America is over $16 trillion in debt and is on the brink of economic collapse as the dollar is going farther down as the price of gold and silver goes up.
As we see national security tested by “terrorists” there is more and more cameras and security being put up. While this is happening we’re losing our civil liberties. There has been attacks on the second amendment this year and after that was over big attacks on the fourth amendment.Is this legal? It is not legal, the only reason it seems legal somewhat is because the government says it is. As long as there is attacks on our civil liberties like these and the government keeps lying to its citizens. We as the people will fight back and become free again. If we did succeed it’d be because a peaceful revolution, violence isn't the answer to any of this. As we keep going on in time the government is becoming more and more corrupt. The purpose of this essay was to show you what is going on in the U.S right now and what’s going to happen if the people don’t take back control of their country?

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