Driving while on a cell phone | Teen Ink

Driving while on a cell phone

April 11, 2014
By Pashca BRONZE, Sandy, Oregon
Pashca BRONZE, Sandy, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Driving while on a cell phone

?Have you ever been driving behind someone and notice they were swerving, so you hurry up to pass them and see that they are talking on their cell phone? Although cell phones have been around for a while, and most people use them all the time, does this mean they should use them when driving? I think driving while on a cell phone is a bad idea because of car wrecks, distractions, and law-breaking consequences.?

According to the (NSC) talking on cell phones while driving have caused 1.6 million estimated crashes a year and another 200,000 accidents are caused from texting. Sources in Newsday say “texting is the leading cause of deaths in teenage drivers today.” This example is significant because, many of us have loved ones that we cherish and would hate to lose over a cell phone.

?Furthermore, some people think that texting or calling is not distracting them for the moment. But according to POTSDAM.EDU, drivers who use a handheld device are four times more likely to get in a car crash that may result in an injury. What makes this example significant is one out of 84 people will be in a car crash on their own; and using a handheld device will double, triple, or even quadruple their chances of being in one and getting hurt.Along with the risk they say about it being just as bad as intoxication in reaction time.
Although, you may think that one text is worth it, according to Fox 12 the current fine in Oregon for getting caught driving while talking or texting on a handheld cell phone is $250. In addition, there is a new bill being introduced into the legislature that would raise the fine to $500. most people need money and “Throwing” their money away just to talk or text someone while driving is not a good idea. And I'm pretty sure people don't want to deal with a manslaughter charge,that may lead to Years.
The next time you are driving ask yourself this question: is it really worth the risk to answer that vibrating, noisy, annoying cell phone? I say no it isn’t worth it. Instead, if you are ever driving and have a call to make or receive, or even a text message, it is a much better idea to pull over and use your cell phone in order to be safer, less distracted, and not get a fine.But more importantly protect ours,and everyone else's loved ones.

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