Is Fascism a Possibility? | Teen Ink

Is Fascism a Possibility?

May 13, 2014
By Maddie Marshall BRONZE, Leitchfield, Kentucky
Maddie Marshall BRONZE, Leitchfield, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many new political events occurring in the Ukraine and Greece. Some are questioning if fascism is coming back to life in those two countries. Fascism is oppressive, dictatorial control. It is when one leader of a country has complete control. Fascism is characterized by the mobilization of a national community, great respect of the state, devotion to a strong leader and emphasis on extreme nationalism and militarism. Fascist rulers are usually concerned with political violence, war and imperialism to attempt to get their nation to appear superior. Fascism also shows the belief that the country is superior and stronger than other nations; leading them to think they have the rights to expand their nation. Fascist countries have political parties that favor the action of becoming a bigger and better country. Many people think of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler when they hear the word fascism.

Examples of a fascist nation would be Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. They both believed their countries were above all others. Hitler had ideas to expand Germany into land that was populated by Jewish people. He attempted to overtake their land by killing many and putting others into concentration camps. Both Hitler and Mussolini had complete control over their country. They were in a position where they were above the people and the country as a whole. Hitler and Mussolini set up secret police to control the country in the way they believed was right. They both set up totalitarian dictatorships. Their goals were to become the largest and strongest nation.

Fascism in today's time is becoming more noticeable. In Greece, there was a period of depression that swept the country. That is how past Fascist Governments started. Greece also has rising political parties. The Golden Dawn Party is a rising political party that believes in anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant and anti-women chauvinism. This party is favored by many affected by the depression in Greece. The Golden Dawn Party is seen as a threat to the country because of the power that some of the members have inside of the party. The leaders of Golden Dawn have been imprisoned, but the threat stays alive due to the other party members that remain in the government.

Another country that seems similar to fascist beliefs is Ukraine. There are protests that are beginning in the country. In Ukraine, the "Right Sector" party seems to be taking a move from the negotiable side, to the streets on the idea of a country free of Russia, Jews and all other undesirables that they feel need to be excluded. The idea of doing so seems to be supported by the U.S and by Russia. The supporting countries may not realize the threat of the protests in the beginning, but may be quick to change their mind on the situation once it matures. Moscow believes that another alarming sign of fascism in the Ukraine is the construction of a new Detention Center on the border of Russia. They called this as a "fascist concentration camp." Some believe that the accusation from Moscow is a type of propaganda similar to what was used in World War ll. The Russian leader, Putin, set the mood by referring to the protestors in Ukraine as "Nazis." Putin even commented that "neo-Nazism is on the rise" at an annual call in show. The Right Sector acted out in a protest caused by the refusal of the Ukrainian president to sign an agreement with the European Union.

So, is the Ukraine considered a Fascist country? The answer is debatable. Some may believe by the events occurring in the country that Ukraine is becoming fascist. Others may believe that the events are something that will pass over. The rise in political parties is evidence that the country could become fascist. Other countries are having the same problems that the Ukraine is undergoing. Greece has rising political parties within the country as well. Ukraine’s leader seems to want to make the country bigger and better. The political parties believe the same ways as Yanukovich (Ukrainian Leader). A question that could float around is "Will the Ukraine become a fascist country?" Only time can tell.


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