Crime in Indiana | Teen Ink

Crime in Indiana

May 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Most of the crime that is being committed is from young teens involved in gangs or other negative peer pressure from a friend or friends that thinks it’s cool and fun. People must stop the robberies, burglaries, aggravated assault, shootings, vandalism, thefts, and murders. For the last two years Indianapolis, Indiana has been beating Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana for the last two years in crime.

More and more people die every year because of crimes people are (spot crime) trying to commit because they want more money in their pocket ,or cause they want the new Jordan’s, or just because they felt like doing the crime, and didn’t think about the things that will happen the them after they do the crime. Most teens don’t think about what will happen to them, and spend the rest of the life in a six by eight foot jail cell all because they want to see how it feel to stand behind a gun, and pull the trigger, or rob some, or beat someone nearly to death. Since 2011 the crime creped slow in to the city (© 2000-2014 Location Inc).

At the tail end of 2012 the crime jumped with 101 murders, 700 violent crimes, and more the 3,442 robbers then last year (Advameg, Inc). At this rate in the next few years the crime will double or maybe even triple if everyone doesn’t throw down there guns and other weapons. Every other street in Indianapolis there has been an aggravated assault, robbery, shooting, or murder on the street. These criminal actives are some of the reasons why guns and other weapons need to be out lawed in cities, and states (© 2014 Advameg, Inc).

I know teens have guns means that they can better protect themselves from the dangerous that wonder the streets of our cities. The Stand Your Ground Law can’t be used in some cases but when use some people take it in the wrong way and use it to just kill people (Allen Wellman McNew Harvey). If everyone would learn how to use the Stand Your Ground Law the right way there would be fewer problems. Neighborhoods would safer, parks would be safer and also streets would be safer too.

Do people really feel as if they have to steal, rob, and murder to get what they want? I know nice things are something everybody wants to have. If people would put down their weapons, cities, states and even the world would be a better place. Not only just us but for everyone, if everyone would try to do right and not commit any crime it would be a better place. Let’s put a stop the crime and pointless violence.

The author's comments:
I started seeing alot of more crime in my town. More ,and more bad things are happening in the city.

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