The Effects of War | Teen Ink

The Effects of War

May 20, 2014
By nate1dog BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
nate1dog BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If another country try’s to threaten a different country, 40% of the time war will occur.(Lallanilla) It can be stopped in so many ways but we don’t want to. We just want to (Lallanilla)show an example to other countries that we are the strongest force on earth. The conflicts that we have need to stop, otherwise the battles will waste so much of our money and loses our soldiers’ lives. Some of the countries are getting more power than they already have. Some say war should happen. But, what would happen if we lose? We can stop the wars that go on by talking it out or signing treaties.

War can cause money loss in many ways like we can waste about a million dollars for armor, guns and ammunition. We have our workers who work that aren’t getting paid. We have taxes to do and all kinds of payments to do. (Lallanilla) We have citizens that work and there not getting the money that they work for. We could’ve used that money for things that we could’ve improved for the U.S. Money is a big problem and were using it for things that could be prevented. We really have to save money in case if there has been serious damage to their country.
We can lose a lot of men and women that are going to war. No one likes the feeling of war, it’s just too much to handle. War is mostly the definition of blood and gore because that’s all that happens. When our military soldiers go to war it’s a 50/50 chance that we will win. If we go against somebody that is higher powered than us then it’s a 75% that we will lose. (Lallanilla) Our soldiers’ shouldn’t be wasted by something that could be prevented in so many ways. Our military could be saved and their lives could be saved if we make peace. Our soldiers’ never liked war but they do want to save our country.

Some people might say that War is good and once we win we could take advantage of that. Also, they might say our soldiers want to protect our country and if there is war, our soldiers would protect us. What if all of our men and women die from war? There would be more chaos in the world. Our soldiers can fight but they have to recover if they have a wound or injury. (Lallanilla) It’s a fifty percent chance that any military force would rather win or lose. If we end up facing someone who is stronger than we are, we are going to be in big trouble.

War is going to get out of hand if we keep going to war. It causes money loss by buying weapons, guns and ammunition (Page).Our soldiers’ would be tired by going to war because they have to run and kill people who are also defending their country. We can solve this situation by coming into a meeting, sign treaties, compromise with each other and talk it out. We have to think about our men and women who go to war because if we don’t a lot of things could happen. Did u know that they have nightmares of killing people who tried to defend their country (Page)? They have do families to come back to and have people they love. Some people say it’s crazy to be friends with the enemy but if we could get along with each other, it’ll be fantastic and war and conflict wouldn’t even exist.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write this peice becuase my Aunt is in the military. I dont want her to die by going to war. War is the worst thing in the world.

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