Capitalism still has a place in my heart | Teen Ink

Capitalism still has a place in my heart

May 21, 2014
By politicalswag321 BRONZE, Rockladge, Florida
politicalswag321 BRONZE, Rockladge, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
something about the invisible hand or something by Milton friedman

Some today wonder if capitalism still has a place in today’s society. A quick jump to see for government regulation that will prevent wealthy from gaining more wealth sounds great. So let’s stop for a second and think what this means. A world in which everything is distributed to everyone equally what’s wrong with that. After all isn’t sharing caring. So what would you do if you knew you were going to be given just as much as everyone? Would you work as hard? Would you try to take lead? Would you try to innovate if it made no difference in your living conditions? And this is just what arises as problems in cases of communism. In the good old USSR there were mandates set on businesses such as lamp manufacturers that required perhaps 1000 pounds of lamps to be made. So knowing that all they had to do was meet this simple mandate they would make maybe 5 two hundred pound lamps. This is why if you ever go to Russia their lamps are ridiculously heavy. Why after all would the manufacturer waste their time working hard when they get paid no matter what. This is communism. A world of shortages and a country where nobody truly produces is what caused the USSR to fail. This is why communism fails and this is why reward based on effort benefits all. This is the difference. It’s a game of equal outcome versus equal opportunity and which is best.

The author's comments:
There's a million ways to contradict me and a million ways I can refute that. I believe after all the contradiction and refutation that the world of the free market still trumps.

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