Millenials' Political Views Don't Make Any Sense | Teen Ink

Millenials' Political Views Don't Make Any Sense

September 26, 2014
By CarolineB.1776 BRONZE, Germantown, Tennessee
CarolineB.1776 BRONZE, Germantown, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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According the article entitled 'MILLIENIALS' POLITICAL VIEWS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE' by Derek Thompson, which was posted on a few weeks ago, young people are extremely incapable of having good political opinions. This article describes millenials as young adults between the ages of 18 and 29. It states that "we" (I almost being a millienial myself), are totally incoherent as far as politics are concerned.  The article aslo states that millienials hate the political parties more than everyone else, yet we have the highest opinion in Congress.


I have a few things to say about this.  For one, this article did not take into account the political views of other age groups, which makes it extremely biased.  Two, I agree that there are a lot of young people that would fall intio these categories as far as opinions of Congress is concerned, however, there are a few of us who are the complete opposite of this.  Another point to be made is the fact that this article is extremely racist as it aimed towards non-white Americans and liberals.  And as far as money is concerned, who isn't a bit squeamish about giving it away, most people in the average American society are raised to be tight with their money because hard times could strike at any miment and you always need to be prepared.


If this is truley how the older generations see the younger society, will I'm afraid that they're just going to have to deal with that in their own way, because this is what America is going to eventually become.  

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on Oct. 2 2014 at 11:20 pm
DjakobUnchained SILVER, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 33 comments

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"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire" Winston Churchill

The only reason they say Millenials political views dont make sense is because they have a different point of view on politics. They just want to discredit new ideas as crazy.