Racism Is Still Alive | Teen Ink

Racism Is Still Alive

November 5, 2014
By joell.wilson BRONZE, New York, New York
joell.wilson BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Racism is still alive in America. Everyday African Americans are being treated like they are not real people we are. But we are not treated equally.

Michael brown was 18 and African American. He was also from Ferguson, Missouri, where he may have stood out more because of his race.  On August 9, he and his friend, Dorian Johnson, were walking down the street, minding their own business. Both of them were unarmed, yet Michael Brown was gunned down. Michael was shot six times by a police officer named Darren Wilson.  He was white, while Michael and his friend were both black. Michael was murdered because of his race.

The Stop and Frisk policy in NYC also allows racism. Basically, any police officer can stop anyone on the street, at any time and search them, without a warrant. A police officer can judge whether or not someone is dangerous just by looking at him or her. Forces are more likely to stop African Americans up to 28 more times than white people (www.civilrights.org).  In addition, this year alone 56% of African Americans were stopped, while only 11% of white people were stopped and frisked. Is it because African Americans may look more suspicious than whites? The police officers may have bad thoughts about African Americans because some may have committed crimes in the past.  Yes, black people have robbed others, they’ve shot people.  But, all African American’s are not like that.  It is racist of some people to assume that all African Americans are bad.  We aren’t getting a fair chance.  I am sure some white people may look just as specious, but police officers don’t stop them.  How is this fair?

Racism is still very much a part of life for African Americans. As a community we need to stand up and fight back. No one should use our skin color to judge us or treat us badly. History cannot repeat itself.

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