What Is an American? | Teen Ink

What Is an American?

November 20, 2014
By bookworm69 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
bookworm69 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are many definitions of what it means to be an American. Edward L Hudgin’s essay “What is an American?” describes that in order to be successful in life you must take risks. Americans realize that success comes at the end of your comfort zone. Ben Franklin the author of “Poor Richards Almanack” was not only one of America's founding fathers but also an author and was famous for his aphorisms. Franklin believed that energy and persistence conquer all things. An American is somebody who understands that in order to be successful you must work as hard as you can and not be discouraged by failure. Americans are notoriously known for their excessive lifestyles, Maureen Dowd’s article “Liberties: Drill Grill and Chill”, discusses the Americans need for bigger and faster lifestyles. What makes an American is their dreams of opportunity for a better life, working hard to achieve that better life, and looking to improve our everyday lives.


America is built on people taking risks in order to  achieve a better life. Every immigrant who left their homes and crossed the Atlantic ocean in search of a new life, had no idea what lied on the other side. They didn't know if they would find work or find a better life. But they knew “that the timid achieve nothing and forgo even that which sustains us through the worst of times: Hope”- Edward L. Hudgins What is an American. What Hudgins meant by this quote was that the people that stay in their comfort zones don't achieve anything. Americans aren't content with being comfortable; they seek the next challenge and pursue it in search of success. Not only do Americans take risks but they work hard and never give up without giving it everything they got.


What sets Americans apart from others is their work ethic. They dont give up at the first sign of failure, not many people accomplish their goals on the first try. They fail many times before they can even get close to it, but they don't look at their failure as a failure, they look it as a lesson. A failure is only a failure if you don't learn from it and change. Americans attack every opportunity of success with all their energy and effort. “Energy and persistence conquer all things”- Ben Franklin. Americans don't stop when they're tired; they stop when they've achieved their goal. Americans want to improve their lives whenever they can and constantly want more.


Many people that believe that Americans are killing the planet and creating large amounts of pollution.  Americans always want to push things to the brink, “we want big, we want fast, we want far, we want now.” Maureen Dowd- Liberties; Drill, Grill, and Chill. Americans always are looking for a way to improve their everyday life. They are constantly pushing their comfort zones to invent new things.The problem is Americans have become too comfortable with this lifestyle. Americans have a tendency to super size everything they can and take it to the next level to quench their thirst for the big, the fast, and the powerful. Americans have created an unsustainable lifestyle that can not continue for much longer. Americans will always find a way to adapt in order to survive.


Americans strive because they are fearless when it comes to success, they have a vision and are motivated to make that vision become a reality. As Hudgins explained Americans take risks to become more successful. Ben Franklin believed Americans work hard in order to achieve their goals and do not give up after the 1st sign of failure. Americans look to improve their everyday lives. Dowd talks about how this attribute has created excessive, wasteful lifestyles. Without these attributes America would not be the same proud, respected, successful powerhouse it is today.

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