A Voice | Teen Ink

A Voice

November 20, 2014
By Amber Garris BRONZE, Wappapello, Missouri
Amber Garris BRONZE, Wappapello, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 People always say that we have a voice. That we can change the world. How? We the next generation have to first fix the mistakes of the last. By the time we've done that we will be old and wrinkly. Our children and our children's children will have to fix ours and so on and so forth. Let the adults fix their's so we can start anew. We the future are guided by our past. And I want our past to be great so we become GREATER! The world is taking a turn for the worst and the adults in charge aren't listening. So to put your voice out there. Write a I don't know, an essy to the government, put a video up on YouTube something. Don't stand in the and just nod your head, get behind the podium and scream out to your audiance. Let's show them, the adults, that we will be great. Make them listen. Have a voice.       

The author's comments:

I was watching CNN and this struck me. The adults are just doing really stupid stuff and I aske myself are we going to do the same thing?

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