Drowned in the Ugly Waters of Crime | Teen Ink

Drowned in the Ugly Waters of Crime

December 31, 2014
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While newspapers are full of stories of injustice and some true facts about oblivious to the reality and corrupt leaders. Pakistan has drowned into dark waters and crime has seeped in like a cancer. In a place where courts don’t have a fair verdict and a poor man’s voice is always suppressed the criminals on the contrary have an upper hand. Every day hundreds of innocent people are deprived of their lives in vicious target killings and bomb blasts leaving their families merely anything other than memories to cling to. In a world here every now and then you will be threatened by pitiful criminals like money launderers to surrender on your self-esteem and listen to their nonsense. In a life is so occupied that no one has the time to gaze into the sad and inhumane stories of violence and sexual assaults. Where walking on the road might be the most dangerous stunt you could ever commit. Where every second of your life counts and that might be the last. When life is not even worth some few so called expensive accessories that we become so loathsome and brutal and just like a ferocious monster suck the life out of our brothers and sisters for the sake of things. No one can be dead accurate but their innumerable incidents of shipping illegal drugs and stuff are reported. A serious threat to our society cannibals, murderers, fugitives and sociopaths are roaming free like it’s their rule over the world while our leaders are numb and deadpan. They watch all of this happening in front of their eyes but are so cold to move even a hair. In the end it’s waking up from the endless sleep that we were put into. It’s time to raise our voice against unfair actions which might give us what’s rightfully ours as a citizen of our country. As now a days or ever before a magic wand that will turn things right in a flick of a second.

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