Red Control | Teen Ink

Red Control

April 21, 2015
By Nicklus Dalpez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Nicklus Dalpez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Within the recent years, gun control has been a serious topic. Some people believe nobody should have guns, and they are right. In fact, the best way to actually do gun control is to make sure no one has the ability to get luxury items, and this can be done in a variety of forms. Luxury items are one of the biggest parts of gun control and the government currently is not doing enough.

Without luxury items there would be no gun violence. If there is no reason to kill someone over something, there is no point to have a gun or need a gun to protect yourself. People do not feel safe around guns especially when allowed to be carried around concealed or not. “Background checks will help keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them” (Gun Control). Background checks would not be enough anymore. This would not even be a problem if it doesn’t even matter if guns are not there in the first place. Without guns and worries people will feel safe and would enjoy not having the precious things they love for their safety. Without anything, people will be satisfied and will be truly equal, thus not having to worry about other social issues as well. This will truly show that without guns there will be no need for anything besides necessities. With this there will be no need for unequal pay in the workforce and there will be no need to buy things because you will get paid and not have to worry about luxury items like beds, T.V.s, and guns and instead get food and water instead of worrying about what is happening in the world with media. Everything will be handled by the government and will allow for everything to be fine. Though a lot of people say guns should be handled by the people, a lot of people feel like protection should be held in the hands of the police.  In some states it is not required to have a permit and no training to conceal carry a weapon while in most states the police require training. “An armed citizenry will only cause more harm than good” (The Pros). There would be no need for people to get training because the government police would run everything and make sure everything is going smoothly at all times. They would not need guns themselves because there would be no threat of guns even happening inside of the U.S. The government would be able to handle everything and the people would be grateful for the government’s service to the people.

Switching to communism would be the best way to achieve this. Communism would take all of these things and make it one. Total trust would be in the government and thus nobody would have to worry. Everyone would be equal and be fine within that society, and the society would be able to sustain itself without guns in the hands of people. The people would then be fine for the rest of their lives and would not have to worry any more. They would also not have to teach their kids about dangerous things and keep them totally oblivious to the reality of the real world. “Among gun-owning parents who reported that their children had never handled their firearms at home, 22% of the children, questioned separately, said that they had. Children often don't understand the risks associated with guns, and they might accidentally hurt themselves, a friend, or a sibling, while thinking that that they are just playing” (Pros and Cons). With communism, people would not have to worry about this even happening or any bad things that would  happen because everything would be in the hands of the government and people would not have to worry because the government is always reliable. With the government having total control everything will be fine and people would be protected from the harshness from the outside world.

First off, I do not think any of this would work or should even be a thought in people’s minds. Gun control would not help. If people want guns they are going to get them anyways. This goes back to my points stated previously. Communism would be a great alternative, but not for us. We have always been for the people and taking away from the people would go against what this country was founded on. Taking away that right of having guns and restricting those rights would be the same as restricting other people’s rights. It would be a form of discrimination to the people that actually enjoy guns. It is just another type of stereotyping and I do not think it should stay this way. People want guns gone and that is fine, but just don’t take it away from the people that actually want to have sportsman fun and be able to protect themselves. If you are going to take away a form of protection that has been helping us since the country was founded, you might as well change the government to Communism or some other form because you are changing the way of life that was set in stone when this country was founded. Overall, guns should not be taken away or limited because it is the right of the people and that is what this country was made for, not the government, the people.


Works Cited
"Pros and Cons of Gun Ownership for Home Security." Pros And Cons Of Owning A Gun In
The Home: Gun Safety and Security. SafeWise, n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.
"Gun Control Pros and Cons: 3 Points on Both Sides of Debate." Newsmax. N.p., n.d. Web. 02
Dec. 2014.
"The Pros and Cons of Gun Control." Pros and Cons of Gun Control » The Pros and
Cons of Gun Control. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.

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