Perseverance | Teen Ink


November 5, 2015
By Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Flag of the USA has been drafted, re-drafted, and altered various times throughout history; however, each time the founders revised its design it seems to echo something additional about our history as a nation. I believe our flag thoroughly demonstrates our greatest trait perseverance which is expressed through our citizens’ desire, drive, and determination.

Perseverance has been expressed consistently throughout our nation's history. A primary reason why perseverance is our strongest trait is because, if you look through what our country as a whole has endured, you won’t like what you see. Our story isn’t that of continuous prosperity but that of struggles, failures, losses, and crippling issues, but even when the outlook of our situations look dark we persevere. During times of great loss and sadness such as the great depression, WWI and WWII, and the 9/11 terrorist attack; ultimately, we do unite as a nation and persevere.

Perseverance itself has essentially been the root cause of the thriving American work force, because when citizens fail their resilience kicks in and helps them push forward in a constructive manner. Most aspects of standard American life relate in some way to perseverance, whether it be our sports, our economy, our diverse bureaucracy, or our struggling unemployment force. Ultimately, the story of America isn’t fairy tales or guaranteed success, it's our strength to recover and stay determined.

Finally, as previously shown, perseverance can create hope from despair, success from hard-work, and consequently can change daydreams into innovation. One example is “Apple”. Even “Apple” once struggled to sell its merchandise to small stores, but now they are considered one of the greatest sources of technological advancement in the US. This has been a recurring trends with various other US based companies, our harsh economy breeds rugged, determined, creative thinkers and our greatest trait is demonstrated here most evidently simply by those innovators continued ingenuity. In conclusion, despite how far and separated we citizens are; ultimately, we are represented as a summative whole depicted by our struggles that tell of our desire, drive, and determination.

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