What I See | Teen Ink

What I See

December 3, 2015
By _KayMarie_97 BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
_KayMarie_97 BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you step outside and see an American flag waving in the wind, you should be aware you are in a proud nation. You should also be aware that we are also a poor, corrupt nation as well. America hides behind the wall of publicity to shield the truths from the outside world. Many believe that it's “Home of the Free, Land of the Brave” when in reality, were are in a reserved country, trapped within the walls of the government.

Lady Liberty hides her face in shame. The Lincoln Memorial is a subject of murder, racism, slavery, and failure. Our national landmarks once held the key to our patriotism, however, now all it stands for is disgrace and loss.
America has changed for the worse the past few millenniums. The government is more powerful than ever before, our stock market has plummeted, and our debt is through the roof. Our campaign leaders have blown a substantial amount of money on campaigning rather than pushing for better schools. The rich bribes the politicians to lower taxes on them, and elevate taxes on the needy or lower class citizens. Money and corruption have been driven so far into media, people believe everything they read on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media site. We do not see ourselves as corrupt because it is normal.

Privacy has become non-existent in everyday life. People watch your phone activity. People watch your work life, your school life, your social life. When you think you are safe from being watched, you come to find your cellular phone is tracking your every step.

In my opinion, it's scary in America. Money, power, corruption, and public society is just somethings you can expect in the life of an American. We are not free, we are sheltered, we are not brave, we are reticent.

The author's comments:

An awakening of Americans to see the side of those who actually live in everyday society.

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