Homeschooling | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By Mixhey BRONZE, Louisville, Nebraska
Mixhey BRONZE, Louisville, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why would you want to homeschool? I have three reasons: your children will be indoctrinated, they are not going to be salt and light, and Christ is not present in today’s schools.

First of all, your kids will be indoctrinated; they have young minds that are easily influenced. Adolf Hitler said “This new Reich will give its youth to no one but will itself take over youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.” The same thing applies today, the government owns the schools they can choose the curriculum that is taught to your kids. The teachers can’t talk about the truth in the Bible, if they did they would get fired, so they are left with the governments form of truth.

Secondly, they are not going to be salt and light. You may think that your kids can influence the kids around them, but they are more likely to be influenced by the kid and teachers around them. Your children are at the age where their minds are like sponges; they will soak up anything.

Thirdly, Christ is no longer present at school if he ever was. Something that is not based on Christ is bound to fail. People will say schools are supposed to be tolerant, however they are not. Kids are not allowed to pray before meals, and The World View in 5 Minutes said that in Kentucky schools this year Linus (in the Peanuts Christmas play) was not allowed to quote Luke.

In conclusion, I hope you can see why it is an incredulous idea to send your children to a public school. Children are like young plants that need to be protected from the winds of this world, until their beliefs are strongly rooted.


The information in this essay can be found in the film, Indoctrination, by Collin Gun, and the internet.           

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