Is Playing the Lottery a Good Idea? | Teen Ink

Is Playing the Lottery a Good Idea?

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

Being an 18-year-old the last place I would want to spend all my money is on scratch tickets and mega bucks. Yes everyone wants to be a millionaire and wants the dream of getting 5,000 per week for life but lets look at reality.  The reason they call it gambling is so that you can be addicted to spending all your money because everyone has a dream of winning the big prize. Lottery tickets and Mega bucks and any sorts of gambling just end up going all to the state. The billions that are spent every year by people just end up going to paying what states needs. Personally I believe that lottery is not a good thing because there are many people that are homeless or jobless and all they want is to have a little bit of help to get back on their feet again and just like anyone else they want to be lucky enough to win THE scratch ticket. I believe that with so much gamboling happening in today’s world instead of saving up that 5, 10, 20 or EVEN 30 dollars in your pocket for something more useful it gets thrown in the trash. Gamboling can be just as addictive as any drug. People always have the urge to keep playing more to win something big. Money is everything without it there is no way to live a good balanced day-to-day life. There is so much competition on who has this, who has that who is rich who has a better house, car, etc. That is the only thing that people focus on. Casinos are one of the reasons why some people are in debt, why bills are not being paid, where money is the most played with. Casinos are technically places where adults can go have “fun” but can also be the place adult’s leave the saddest. I understand to most it is fun to play a few slots here and there buy a few tickets when you are feeling lucky and I agree that it is fine once in a while. The way some people view gamboling is the way a kid goes into a candy shop seeing so many options of candy and how overwhelming it is, so they buy as many as they can. I do not agree that the age 18 can be a legal age for everyone to be allowed to buy lottery tickets. Teenagers are the ones that always need the most money and the most to be saving up that having that privilege can be not the best. What I don’t understand is why does everything in today’s world have to be around bets. Watching football games or any sports team hundred or thousands of dollars are being placed down to bet on the winning team. Watching horse races is another popular activity that bets are being placed on, it seems like it is the main entertainment these days. I believe that there are better ways for the government to make money instead of having people waste theirs on tickets and machines. Money like that wasted can go to more important things that could actually benefit others or us. Gamboling is taking over the lives of most people, it is causing aggression to some, and it is causing violence. Imagine the amount of friendships or partnerships or even family relatives have been lost from bet arguments. I know it is hard to believe that people would fight to such a extend about money. Money is money it is the only way to survive and it is the number one thing on everyone’s minds that is the reality of today’s world.

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