American Dream or Becoming White: The Dilemma | Teen Ink

American Dream or Becoming White: The Dilemma

January 22, 2016
By ncarolyn SILVER, Mission Hills, California
ncarolyn SILVER, Mission Hills, California
8 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
winning is every girls dream. But it's my destiny and dream

We wonder often what it means to be “American,” what being American entails, and what is, in fact, American culture. We tend to ponder this title immensely, not realizing the ideal American is someone who embraces multiculturalism and casts aside the negative labels put on immigrants, who are ironically seen by others, as the ones who destroy and jeopardize the image of the “ideal American,” rather than those who enhance America with diversity; while intolerance of cultural diversity leads to this idea of a melting pot; perceiving assimilation and success as being equivalent to becoming white and losing a part of your cultural identity.

The idea of “assimilation” that connotes to becoming white to some extent leads to many immigrants to feel as if they are trapped between their class and their race. And As someone who is a minority, I agree. I've been called a coconut for being "brown" on the outside and being "white" due to my linguistic skills.

I've gotten "why do you talk like a white girl" too many times I've lost count. Many perceive it as a compliment, that You; 've reached this level of intelligence beyond your ethnicity. But that right there is my issue. Why, do we view other races and ourselves as beneath. Why do we constantly assume that intelligence is connected to being white? This. has been my constant dilemma and it infuriates me that I still can not find the root of this issue.

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