More Legal Guns Make America Safer | Teen Ink

More Legal Guns Make America Safer

May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Did you know that only 40% of U.S homes have legal guns. Does that mean the other 60% is illegal. There are about 270 Million guns in America 897,000 is carried by police. That's still a lot of uncounted for guns. Whose hands are they in?.


 More legal guns make America Safer.If more legal people are able to protect they selve things will slowly but surely get better. There's too many people doing wrong with guns and how else will we protect ourselves. People with illegal guns are taking over and making the world unsafe.


Background checks keep guns away from those who would use them to hurt other people. People that have felons are not aloud to have guns because they are high risk of using guns to do bad. There's also a law that state that people that do drug aren't allowed guns because the risk that drugs may cause them to do harm to others or either themselves. Theres many more laws that prevent people that might be at risk to hurt people away from guns.

More legal guns mean everyone can protect their families. People with legal guns have a better chance of protecting themselves and their families the right way without being in any type of trouble. Also if you have a legal gun people are less likely to even try and break into your house or run up on you.

Violent crimes goes down when more people legally carry guns. The number of legally owned guns has raised about 100 million. Within this time the violent crime rate has decreased.Which means more people are protecting themselves. It needs to become harder to come across guns.


 Some people believe that less guns will make America safer. I truly don't believe that because guns don't kill people, people kill people.There for that mean that guns are not the problem the bad people are. There's Pros and Cons to everything but with this case the pros are overflowing.


More legal guns are the answer. I support anyone who think getting a gun is a better way to protect their families.Protecting ourselves and our loved ones is the goal. Legal guns and the hands of the right people is the key. Let's make America safer.



"Gun Control Pros and Cons: 3 Points on Both Sides of Debate." Newsmax. 2014. Web. 04 May 2016.

"Guns Don't Kill People, People Do?"" Psychology Today. Web. 04 May 2016.

"11 Facts About Guns." 11 Facts About Guns. Web. 04 May 2016.

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