Gun Violence | Teen Ink

Gun Violence

May 4, 2016
By RonHill BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
RonHill BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1997, a high school student Luke Woodah shot two people that attended Pearl High School. Then Luke drove to Pearl Junior High and continued killing multiples of children. Assistant principal Joel Myrick, raised his pistol at Luke to made him surrender.

I think the government is responsible for gun violence. The government make the laws and let police officers carry illegal guns like their any better than we are. They should take all the guns away from everyone that’s alive and have a name including police officers.

The government wants to take away all the guns in America to put away the gun violence. Gun violence can keep everyone safer even the streets because nobody has guns  to harm you and the police want just kill anyone like they do now days. Also, it’ll bring down a major percentage of the gun violence in the U.S.

The law enforcement killed many black people that didn’t deserve to be killed. Black man are most likely to be killed by any white policeman if the officers feel threatened like they say . The law enforcement killed over 30 percent of blacks in the past years (Richardson 1). In text citation is only needed once in a paragraph .

Most people that get killed in the U.S are by policeman and majority of the policeman are white and racist. It is a great chance to say, 70 percent of the police officers are white are racist but, not all whites are racist and care about black lives. That’s why black people are losing their lives when it comes to policeman because the policeman favorite excuse are I felt threatened and the black man is doing what he is told to do but, the white policeman doesn’t care about black lives so, they shoot the blacks and safe the whites.

The government isn’t the person pulling the trigger but, their the people who makes the laws and we follow them. If the government would come up with some better laws and take away all the guns out of everybody hands including police officers protect our community, the gun violence and death will decrease a lot.

The government should have a meeting with the law enforcement and talk about the gun violence that’s going on in the U.S. It’s not just on us to change and stop pulling triggers, it’s in their hands as well because the laws the make apparently aren’t strong enough for our country to be safer. Their is no reason why the government shouldn’t think that this is half their fault too.



~ CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 May 2016.
~ Matt Friedman | NJ Advance Media for NJ. Gun Control Groups File Lawsuit to Force NJ Attorney General to Report on 'smart Guns NJ. 2014. Web. 04 May 2016.
~ Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment? Bloomberg. Web. 04 May 2016.

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