Editorial: Rules and Regulation During the Business Day 2016 Event | Teen Ink

Editorial: Rules and Regulation During the Business Day 2016 Event

May 15, 2016
By EsusWiguna BRONZE, Kelapa Gading, Other
EsusWiguna BRONZE, Kelapa Gading, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is Business day? Business day is when the students sell things that the class has decided together. The students can learn and have experience on making their own business. Business day 2016 will be on the 25 May, 2016 in High/Scope Kelapa Gading. Parents can come to see and support their children.


Business day is a fun event, students can learn while having fun together with different people. In this kind of situation there should be rules regarding the business day event. By having rules business day event will be more organized and it will run smoothly.

There are 10 rules in business day, first is paying the electric bill based on the usage. Second is hawker is not allowed before the last 15 minutes. Third is plastic bags are not allowed in the event to start go green. Fourth is paying tax of 10% based on the profit. Fifth is there would be the payment for booth rental. Sixth is no consignment. Seventh is each booth should have appropriate. Eighth is participants should have same clothes theme. Ninth is each booth should have a trash bin of their own to reduce the trash in the environment during the event. Tenth is there will be a payment for the participants that participate on promoting their booth in a form of posters and video.

Maybe some of you think that rules are annoying and too commanding, but rules are actually made for your safety. Rules help us to avoid creating problems, without rules people can do anything without thinking and it would create chaos. Rules will also make the 3 economics sector goes well, each of the role will do their job properly and they will be satisfied.


Rules sometimes are annoying, it feels like you are ask to do something that you do not want to do. Each time there is a problem the government directly create rules. The plastic bag rule is very annoying as you have to bring paper bags when you want to shop or you have to pay for the plastic bags. This rule has been set up for almost all of the supermarket.


In conclusion, there should be rules in the world, because with rules we can avoid making problem and it will keep us safe. But there should not be too many rules, so that people would obey the rules and not rebel to it.

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