Donald Trump Abuse of Power | Teen Ink

Donald Trump Abuse of Power

December 22, 2016
By Ajstone BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
Ajstone BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On January 20th Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States of America. He will be the most powerful person in the world. The question is, will he use all his power for good? I contest the Donald Trump abuses his power because he took advantage of his business partners, doesn’t pay his taxes, and is very disrespectful to women, which he does with little backlash from his supporters. His supporters don’t leave him because they think everything Trump does is for a reason.

Firstly, Donald Trump abuses his power he takes advantage of his business partners. Before Donald Trump decided to run for president, he was known as a very wealthy real estate mogul. But, unfortunately, that didn’t free him from making many questionable decisions. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Lawyer David Hopper, who worked for Trump Organization and other Trump companies, sued in Virginia federal court claiming that in 2011 they owed him $94,511.35 in legal fees.” For someone who claims that he has A LOT of money, Donald Trump should be able to pay that off easy.  For a president-elect to be prone to not paying back people who were promised money is not a good sign. In addition, in 2010 Donald Trump founded a school named Trump University. According to National Review, “The [Trump University] students were told that they would be learning from ’hand-picked’ real-estate professionals. Moreover, they were pressured into paying for more expensive seminars where they were led to believe that Trump would personally impart his business secrets. Instead, after spending thousands of dollars on the seminars, some attendees were taken on tours of dilapidated Philadelphia neighborhoods.” For Trump to take people’s money and not do what he claimed he would do in return is grossly disrespectful and cheating people out of their own money.

Furthermore, Donald Trump abuses his power is he doesn’t pay his taxes. If you didn’t already know, taxes pay for education, technology, government programs such as social security, medicare, unemployment insurance, and more. Therefore,  for someone to not pay his taxes is a definite abuse of power and makes the US’ progress a lot slower. According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump could have not paid his taxes for eighteen years! For anyone, that is bad, but for the upcoming US president, that is just plain ignorant and not fair for the American people.

While some people might say that every important person abuses their power, Donald Trump abuses his power more than others. The final reason why Donald Trump abuses his power is he is very disrespectful to women. In October 2016, a video came out from 2015 where he discusses “grabbing (women) by the p****” with Access Hollywood anchor Billy Bush. As Billy Bush went along with it--when the video surfaced--he was promptly fired. But Donald Trump, the one doing all the talking, didn’t take an impactful hit in the polls. Another example of Trump being disrespectful to women is when he insulted republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. In a September 2015 interview, Trump said about Fiorina, “Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?” this is a very disrespectful thing to say. Trump tried to back up his comments by saying he was talking about her persona and not her looks, but that would not make sense in the context that he was talking in.

In conclusion, Donald Trump abuses his power because he gangs up on people at rallies, he takes advantage of his business partners, and he is a misogynist. This is why I am asking all of you to reduce the damage that Donald Trump will (unknowingly or otherwise) bring to this nation. If we use our collective power to limit the damage he does to the USA, it will be a better four years for everyone.



Works Cited
Cohen, Claire. "Donald Trump Sexism Tracker: Every Offensive Comment in One Place."The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 9 Nov. 2016. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.Friedersdorf, Conor.

Swanson, Ana. "The Myth and the Reality of Donald Trump’s Business Empire." The Washington Post. WP Company, 29 Feb. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

Wright, Mark Antonio. "Donald Trump's Business Career Has Been One of Bullying Ordinary                             Citizens." National Review. National Review, 01 Feb. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

Your 2014 Taxpayer Receipt. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.

The author's comments:

This is for my Social Studies Project. I hope this argumentative essay will get people more involved with politics an educate people of he ugly truth about Donald Trump.

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