Raising Minimum Wage | Teen Ink

Raising Minimum Wage

January 16, 2017
By mam22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
mam22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Raising the minimum wage is a growing interest across the United States of America. People have been debating both sides since around 2013.  The minimum wage is the lowest amount a job can pay you by law.  Some people argue that It will help the people who are struggling, give people more money to go on trips and goods will be less expensive.  Others argue that if indeed the wage is increased, the businesses will not be able to keep all the workers they have, the businesses will have to raise prices on goods, and that income inequality is getting worse and it has been for more than 20 years.  If all citizens wish to avoid issues, they should not protest to raise the minimum wage.

Businesses would not be able to afford all the workers that they have currently.  This is because the wage would be raised and it would be hard to make a profit if most of the money they earn has to go to the workers.  This means businesses would have no choice but to let some workers go.  ‘’A higher wage may lead to millions of workers being let go from their jobs.’’ says Los Angeles Times (6-24-15), ‘’Half-million jobs would be lost if the minimum wage was raised to $10.10 an hour.  At $15 an hour, millions of jobs could be lost.’’ Economists are very worried about how many jobs will be lost, ‘’An important economist said one out of 10 or 20 of low-wage earners would lose their jobs.’’  (Associated Press, 4-1-16) Not only would people be fired, but the increase still is not enough.  The battle would not end there. It would continue until everyone was happy.  Think about it, would you rather have America be a place where it has some poor people and the prices are reasonable or would you have it where there is a lot of poor people and higher prices.  With higher wages America would turn into the second option.

Businesses also would not be able to afford selling goods at the price they are being sold at now.  Workers would be earning more money, therefore to make a profit the businesses would have to raise prices.  It would end up just like it is now. Except with a lot less workers and more poor citizens.  ‘’Shops, restaurants, and other businesses that hire low-wage workers would have to start paying them more.’’ says Los Angeles Times article on raising the minimum wage (6-24-15).  ‘’They could, however, also face higher prices.’’  If businesses were to raise prices, many of the people who lost their jobs would not be able to afford a lot of needs.  Our poorer part of our population would become even larger, because they do not have jobs and all the prices on everyday needs have gone up.  Even right now some prices are very high, but for them to go higher is crazy and would negatively affect a lot of people.  Plus, a lot of the homeless people are children.  ‘’The number of homeless children in America is at it’s highest ever, a new report said. There are 2.5 million children who have no home, about 1 in 30 children.’’ (Stateline, 1-13-15).  They are America’s future and if they are homeless they are more likely to do worse in school.  This is a problem, because the number of homeless children would grow even more.

While some people agree that minimum wage should not be raised, many still believe it should.  This is because it will help the people who are struggling.  Yasmin Fernandez works close to 12 hours a day and pays for her brother and four nephews back in Mexico. ‘’  She usually has about $150 left for herself.  She works nearly 12 hours every day.’’ (Associated Press, 4-1-16) This may be seen as unfair.  Many people have situations like Yasmin’s and they want to have a better life. Many people think money is the solution.  Rafael Gutierrez is one of those people as well.  He is a farmer and he says that,’’ Right now, we’re just making it. Life is expensive.’’ (Associated Press, 4-1-16)  He would like to do something nice for his family.  If the wages were increased he would like to take them to a short Disneyland vacation and go out to eat more often.  This would make a lot more people happy if they could treat their families to things like these.

Income Inequality has been getting worse for a while.  ‘’They agree it has been getting worse in many countries for more than 20 years.’’  Many government officials are worried about the direction things are going, but adding more money would not be the answer.  For instance, why would the poor be given more money and the rich more as well.  If they are both given more it will be the same as now. Except with more poor and jobless. ‘’The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.  From 1979 to 2011, income tripled for the richest 1 percent.’’ (Bloomberg).  Think about that.  Is it crazy that workers who work just as hard as another, end up getting less than the other?  ‘’The United States is 43rd out of 144 countries.  Bosnia in Europe is the most equal and Lesotho in Africa is the least equal.’’ from- Issue Overview: Income Inequality.

Raising minimum wage is often discussed by many Americans.  Yes, it could work out and help many of the poorer citizens.  In fact so many people protested it that 25 states and cities raised wages already.  On the other hand, many would lose their jobs. So, there would be less people who have jobs and less people earning more money.  It is very important that both sides of the issue are acknowledged.  It is necessary that every one thinks about how it affects others and not just about themselves.  Workers should rethink protesting for raising the minimum wage.

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