Minimum Wage | Teen Ink

Minimum Wage

January 16, 2017
By akj22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
akj22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Income inequality and minimum wages have two very different sides that argue for raising the minimum wage, and also to keep it the same.  For people who do not know, minimum wage is the lowest wage a person can receive by law. Income inequality is the unequal incomes of different workers in the economy.  Many people are for raising the minimum wage, because it would reduce poverty in many places.  On the other hand, many people are against raising the minimum wage, because it will drive smaller and weaker businesses away, and many people will be let go from their jobs, which many people depend on to survive.  Income inequality should be stopped, and minimum wage in The United States of America should be raised.

As many people know, whether minimum wage should be raised or kept the same has been a national issue for a long time, and since 2009, when $7.25 was first made minimum wage, many experts on economy, called economists, are being brought in to consider what will be best for America’s economy. “For more than a century, lawmakers have been passing minimum wage laws.” (Article by Jordan Yadoo, page 1)  Minimum wage has been changed many times since it was first created in 1938, when it was only 25 cents.  That means that minimum wage has existed in our world for a significantly long time.  Many people argue that keeping minimum wage the same will have the more positive effect on employers and business owners, because they will not have to give away more money to workers, or make prices higher.  This means that making minimum wage higher though, will have a positive effect on the workers, because they will receive more money, and will be able to live easier and be able to have a better life.  

America’s current minimum wage, $7.25, has already been raised by many states and businesses nationwide, so that shows that this is not just a lost cause, and many people want this.  America’s minimum wage is in the top ten highest wages in the world, in real dollars.  People are fighting for an even bigger raise, $15 an hour, by using a campaign called Fight For $15.  Fight For $15 is a movement created by thousands of minimum wage workers, trying to get their employers to give them $15 an hour.  The way minimum wage has been rising, studies show that America should reach $15 an hour by 2022, but a lot of the minimum wage earners want this raise now.  In 2014, there were around 44.4 million people that earned less than $15 an hour.  Even though not many people received $15 an hour, cities such as Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles have decided on a $15 minimum wage.  Many cities believe that raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty, and make the economy better and stronger.  “They expect the higher wage will reduce poverty and spur the economy.” (Article by Don Lee page 2).  Many wonder how many people exactly would be affected by a minimum wage change; around 900,000 people would be lifted out of poverty if the nation changed the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.  As mentioned here, even $10.10 would affect people in a positive way.  It would also eliminate 500,000 low income jobs, but to compare 900,000 to 500,000, a lot more people would be affected in a positive way.

Even if some businesses were let go by raising the minimum wage, as a result, many businesses would grow as people use bigger paychecks to buy more.  The business would be better in many stores as rival businesses go down, and shoppers spend more money, because they receive more money from the new minimum wage.  Even though some minimum wage earners may be let go from their jobs, many other minimum wage earners would be able to live much easier.  When people think of minimum wage, they normally think of teenagers working at a fast food restaurant trying to earn a little extra money.  Yes, that can be the case, but really all ages of people can be earning minimum wage.  The older people get, the more important it is to have a well paying job, because a lot of people have families they are trying to house and feed.   A 53 year old farmworker said that a $15 an hour minimum wage would help lots of people, himself included.  His last job paid $11 an hour picking grapes and peaches, while his girlfriend makes $14 an hour working at Target. He claims that a $15 an hour minimum wage would allow him to treat his family to dinners out every weekend, and even a short vacation to Disneyland.  “Right now we’re just making it. Life is expensive,” He said. (Article by Don Thompson and Justin Pritchard page 1) This is not the only case that shows people would be affected by getting a new minimum wage.  Many people are struggling, and raising minimum wage to $15 an hour would benefit in a bigger way than most people think.
On the other hand, many people argue that we should keep minimum wage in America the same.  If the minimum wage was raised, employers would not hire as many people, and the low skilled and working poor would be affected negatively.  Most likely, prices would also be raised, so employers could help pay for the higher wage.  This is called inflation, which means that the prices are raised.  This would most likely go on for a few years, before the nation adjusted to the new working conditions and economy.  Many people are worried about the minimum wage earners that would be getting laid off, but a lot think that the biggest impact on a higher wage would be on employers, not the workers, because more money would be spent on the employer’s part, having to pay the minimum wage earners extra money, and having to risk losing some customers as the prices get higher.  As mentioned before, the economy will most likely adjust to the new minimum wage, so we do not have to be very worried about the economy, because the articles state that this would not be a permanent issue. “The companies have to pay people more so they pay fewer workers.” (Article by Jordan Yadoo page 2) Also, many cities think that making the minimum wage higher will reduce poverty, and lead to less crime, and overall, lead to a much better and safer community altogether.

There is no doubt that minimum wages in America should be raised from $7.25 an hour to $15 an hour, because in the end, it would benefit more people and businesses.  Even if some people get laid off, or businesses close down, many more people and businesses will receive more money, and studies show that businesses will do better than ever as weaker rivals are folding, and many experts say they will even thrive.  Minimum wage in the United States should be raised, because it would help more people, communities, and the nation in the end.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 18 2017 at 2:53 pm
KingCheetah GOLD, Miami, Florida
12 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mankind is governed by its imagination" -Napoleon Bonaparte

Here is the problem I have with minimum wages being $15 an hour. Yes, I see the argument, more money means more buying which makes businesses richer who will then employ more workers. That logic is solid and it makes sense. The problem is adjustment. One of America's biggest problem is the way the economy is designed in the first place. Most of the products America makes are services rather than goods. For example, there are way more lawyers in this country then there are people who can make iPhones. This is because labor is so expensive. You stated that America's minimum wage was one of the highest in the world right? That price tag on labor forces businesses to move away. That's why there are so many businesses obtaining their labor from Asian countries like China with a much lower minimum wage. Why don't you see Chinese people protesting minimum wage? Two reason, the first is obvious, they'll kill you if you protest against the government, but the second reason is this: they need a job and they need money. The same applies to people working a part-time job in America. The majority of them are just teen looking to earn an extra buck, but that extra buck lets them pay for gas, food, rent, and the rest of it. They are perfectly content with what they're getting. After all, they are employed by an employer and they signed a contract for the job. Current minimum wage is $7.25. Some states have minimum wages at $8, $9, or as you say $15. The fact of the matter is, most states aren't already at $15 minimum wage. Such an increase doesn't only damage small businesses, but massive corporations as well. Companies like McDonalds will stop looking to make profit in the Unites States and simply move away. At the end of the day, companies are looking to thrive. American companies can't thrive when their competition abroad pays half as much as they do in labor resources. It not only hurts our domestic economy, but also our market shares globally. Even if some companies stayed, and let's assume most did, they simply couldn't pay for as many employees. A company that previously afforded 100 workers at $7.25 an hour, now has to lay off 50 people at $15 an hour. Only 50 are happy as opposed to the 100 happy people that had a job. You can argue that raising the minimum wage puts more money in people's pockets but that point is mitigated because it also takes money out of the pockets of everyone who was fired. Now only 50 people could afford houses now as to saving up a little while longer and getting 100 people to buy houses. It will increases the unemployment rate which also lowers the market size. Then prices will start to adjust. Companies need to make their money back for the costs in labor so they raise prices. This will cause two types of outcomes. They will either lose costumers, or those costumers will be forced to spend more money. Suddenly, $15 doesn't seem to be enough anymore because everything is more expensive. It's either that, or don't spend the money at all, which only puts businesses out and results in more job loss. Any smart surviving business will simply move abroad. In my eyes, it's a lose-lose situation. I'm content with the minimum wage as it is now and to be frank, it'd be better for everyone to stop being so greedy for more money and just take what they can get. Minimum wage isn't intended to be a living wage either. If you're trying to make ends meet, work for it. Get multiple jobs. That's what my grandfather did, and it was enough to get my father a good education who in turn was able to offer me a good education and I will hopefully be able to offer the same for my children. Poverty isn't some abyss that you can't ever get out. If you're born poor, it's not your fault, but if you die poor, it most certainly is your fault.