Christopher Columbus, The Pirate | Teen Ink

Christopher Columbus, The Pirate

January 16, 2017
By jjg22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jjg22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Christopher Columbus was most definitely an explorer, but was he doing it for Spain or for himself, there are many opinions on this matter hinting at both sides but which one is true? Yeah, Christopher was accepted by Spain to lead an expedition to the Indies and message back when done. Instead of finding the Indies he finds the “New World” and creates a settlement of his own and starts looting and plundering. This can be taken as Christopher Columbus being greedy and self righteous than being an explorer for Spain. Christopher Columbus should be considered as a pirate instead of an explorer

One reason is because Christopher started as a pirate. “Christopher Columbus travelled the seas at 19 as a pirate attacking ships belonging to the Moors.” Statement from the article (Christopher Columbus Timeline) He then had to work with his brother to get back on his feet. A few years later he tried to join the Queens expedition party but was turned down multiple times until he was accepted. He than led an expedition for Spain to find a quicker way to the Indies. When he found land he assumed it was the Indies but later found out he had discovered a “New World”. After he learned where they were he sent search parties to search the area. They found native communities and were nice to them until he discovered they had gold then he started plundering their villages. When he didn’t have enough gold to send, he sent slaves instead of sending part of what he owed. He kept the gold for himself.

Another reason Christopher is more of a pirate than explorer is that he became the ruler of the new land he found and was very unfair to the natives and his people. “Christopher Columbus establishes the first Spanish Settlement in the “New World.” Line from the article (Christopher Columbus Timeline) When he set up the first settlement he found the natives and gave them gifts and a warming welcome. Then he needed gold. He sent people out to their villages to find people who knew where gold was otherwise they would kill them. They couldn’t always find enough gold so they killed them.

Furthermore, Christopher Columbus was a very greedy man that only wanted to be rich and famous. The first time he asked the Queen of Spain’s permission to lead an expedition he said “I also want wealth for myself and for Spain, and I want to be known for what he did.” (Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain) When he finally was accepted he lead the expedition and found new land. At this new land he found gold which was to be sent to Spain but Columbus’ greed took over and he kept the gold for himself. Spain then sent a royal guard to arrest Columbus and send him back to Spain. His greed took over and he got busted for it.

Some people say that Christopher Columbus was a great man that worked for the Queen of Spain and found more land for the people of Spain, “Columbus not only discovered a new world for Spain, but he led the way for other explorers like himself.” But did he really?  When he sent the first shipment of goods back to Spain and other small countries “He sent Smallpox for one thing, and none of us are going to live very long.” (Columbus’ Expedition) When people say he was a good man people most likely did not think of what he has done.

Christopher Columbus was definitely an explorer but can he really call himself Royal Expeditionist instead of a pirate. So he was hired by a Queen and was made lead expeditionist but that doesn’t make him good, even if he discovered more land for Spain he still was greedy and made the natives suffer and put them into slavery. Christopher Columbus is known for discovering South America but he should really be known for being a pirate and a racist.

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