Refugee Crisis: How Can We Help? | Teen Ink

Refugee Crisis: How Can We Help?

January 16, 2017
By ag222 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ag222 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many different views on refugees entering the United States. Yes there are many reasons that some people might be against it. Some people might argue that there is not enough space, they might also argue that it is to dangerous because the Islamic State could sneak in with the refugees. These are all valid reasons to why it might not be a good idea but there are lots of reasons why they could be for it.

Others others argue that there is not enough space, but actually there are other countries who are willing to help out with the Refugee Crisis that do have the space. For example: “There are about 8 million empty houses in Japan because there population is shrinking, also by adding refugees it could increase the population and help in grow.” Japan Watches Refugee Crisis and Wonders how They can help. So overall refugees should be allowed into the United States, and/or other states to help solve the problem. It would be able to create safe places for the refugees to stay until issues and violence in their own counties get solved.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This is what is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. What this quote/message shows, is that this country should be welcoming of Refugees or anyone that needs help when times get tough. However the United States is making steps to creating a safer environment for the refugees, The Obama Administration has pledged to take in 10,000 new Syrian Refugees.” Pg.4  Next, “Obama’s decision to accept 10,000  Syrian refugees and distribute them among other states.” Japan Watches Refugee Crisis and Wonders how They can help. These decisions will hopefully help take steps in to creating a more peaceful life for the refugees, and show them that this will/or can get better for them. 

“There are questions about whether or not children coming to the United States from Central America are considered refugees.” Pg.2 of More Children Coming to the U.S. need help Adjusting. Any refugees, children or not should be allowed to come to the United States without having to worry about crime and Violence in their own country. This is hard part of the Refugee Crisis to solve because, “The U.S. government does not consider children refugees.” Pg.2  More Children Coming to the U.S. need help Adjusting.  It is hard to help an issue when the government, who is the head of making decisions like this. If you were a child going through this, or any age at that matter, how would you feel if you had to worry everyday about whether or not you and your family will be alive and safe the next day?

Since refugees can be a touchy subject, others might have a different opinion on it. For example, It is too risky because the Islamic State could sneak in with the refugees. What I would say to that would be, That is true but the United states is creating a more secure process to let refugees in. People might also argue that it is too much work, “And refugees need language and other help.” While that also might be true, Refugees can not be confused with Immigrants, so since refugees are only here for a short period of time they would not need as much help with this sort of stuff.

In summary There are many different views on refugees entering the United States. If the United States can make a more secure process to let refugees in, and if more people are aware of the issue, it is possible that they can change their mind and help more refugees become more safe.

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