2017 Hurricane Season | Teen Ink

2017 Hurricane Season

October 26, 2017
By evan.wright BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
evan.wright BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This 2017 hurricane season has been one of the worst seasons since 2002. This season has caused millions of dollars in damage in the southeastern coast of the US and many major islands in the caribbean.  These Caribbean governments have asked the US for help and to send aid teams and materials to help them fix and restore their cities.The government has not given any help to these islands and our president rates his work as a 10 for helping the government and cities, when he hasn't sent any aid or help down to the islands. This hurricane season is only two-thirds over which means that there is another third left which could mean more destruction and lose in the islands which means the US will have to eventually help. So far this season there has been 5 category 3 or higher storms, 8 hurricanes, and 15 total named storms only in the Atlantic. In my opinion, i think that the US government needs to send aid to Puerto Rico and other main islands that were affected because some parts are still under water and need help. Our country's citizens have done a great job of coming together and helping the US coast restore from the storms but we haven't done anything to help the islands. In conclusion these hurricanes and storms have been terrible and we need to do a better job of helping those affected and help them get through the devastation.

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