If I Were Mayor of My Own Town... | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor of My Own Town...

November 30, 2017
By Anonymous

In the future, if I were a mayor, I would do my very best to keep the residents safe and comfortable. My plans would be to make the city look very nice and stay as clean as possible, and to make all the service and safety departments fast and reliable.

I will start off with the issue of littering. Littering is done by almost all people and makes the streets unpleasant to see and can be harmful to nature. So, my plan is to add a fine to littering that can go as high as $500. I also want a public space cleaning department which will travel around the city picking up all the garbage found on public grounds such as streets, parks, parking spaces, etc. However, it will be different, because high schoolers can get community service hours for their school and also benefit the city by volunteering. My next decision would be to establish a new guideline for all shopping and dining places that prohibits the use of plastics and requires the place to give out biodegradable or eco-friendly bags and utensils.

Now, I will discuss about what I will do to satisfy the residents. There are always some problems in the city with some of the residents being upset about, so, I will try to comprise. If there was a problem with the streets, I will redesign the road without having to create another inconvenience. One other important way to keep the residents safe and comfortable is to have all their power, electricity, etc, running top notch. I will have more frequent checks on all systems such as purifying plants and energy grids, and always try to restore all parts cost effectively and quickly.

Next, I will discuss public services and safety departments. Safety departments are the most important service in a city, so my plan is to have as many safety departments as I can have in my city so that if there is traffic or obstructions on the way to a safety department, there is always another one close by to go to. I also want to have a public service department that can help people when setting up events or with anything that requires at least two people to perform for example helping elderly people with some of their daily routines.

Finally, I will discuss about daycare. I believe that daycare should be free of cost because the reason infants are sent to daycare is that the parents must work. Infants are a big responsibility so, daycare should be free of cost so that parents can keep their child safe without any worries.

I have no idea what its like to be a mayor or if I can be responsible enough, but I will like to implement my ideas into practical use in the real world.

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