Why We Must Keep Net Neutrality | Teen Ink

Why We Must Keep Net Neutrality

March 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Net neutrality is an idea that all service providers should allow access to all contents and programs no matter what content they offer, they also cannot prefer one website or not give access to some.

I think net neutrality should be kept and not repealed as the FCC is trying to do. The FCC is trying to benefit the companies, not the people. If their bill goes through then they will be able to control what we can and cannot search on the internet. This is obviously worse for us because it means we have less freedom and they can potentially even make us pay per month to visit certain websites.

The FCC chairman Ajit Pai even said that they will be making us call our providers so they can pay for us to visit those websites that are not approved by them.

As Aatif Sulleyman says “However, the biggest claims made at this week’s FCC meeting and in the document are either misleading, highly contentious or impossible to prove.”

Some service providers like Verizon have a different point of view. Verizon agrees with Ajit Pai and fully supports his fight. Ajit Pai even joked about being “Verizon’s puppet”. There claim is that  “FCC is not actually killing net neutrality”. Comcast has supported the FCC’s work too they although they said that they “will not block, throttle, or discriminate against lawful content.”

A solution for net neutrality would be to let us, the people, vote on the matter. It would allow the country to decide what kind of internet the majority wants. In my mind, the matter is very important because it will affect the 78% of Americans who use the internet.

If net neutrality is repealed the companies will own us. We need to speak out against this and stop the FCC and companies from regulating our internet!

The author's comments:

I have been satiesfied with the internet and the things it offers me. I am scared that might be taken away and hope to inspire others to stand against the repeal of it's freedom.

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