Equality | Teen Ink


November 19, 2019
By liliestoolman BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
liliestoolman BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When society thinks of the word equality the first thing that is thought of is gender roles or race. The arugment of equal pay for men and women or the fight to end racial discrimination is constantly talked about. Boring. Why hasn’t humanity realized the people who look different, talk different, and think different are still not equal. People who have an intellectual disability are treated like outcasts of society and thought of as odd. Equality isn’t being presented to all aspects of life. 

In 1963, President Kennedy passed the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act which excluded people with intellectual disabilities not allowing them to live within the general population. Throughout history people who were different were automatically excluded and treated unequally. 

Equality is not a reality, people are still excluded from society. Businesses won’t hire people with intellectual disabilities to work for them because they look at disabled people like they are not able to do a work task. Discrimination is more of a reality for this population than inclusion. Nobody wants to listen to them. According to Humanity and Inclusion they state  “Their voices are simply not heard.” 

There are still too many misconceptions about people who have intellectual disabilities. People who have an intellectual disability are just as capable as someone that doesn’t have an intellectual disability. They can do the same task, job, sporting activity as anyone else, it may just be in their own unique way but it will still happen. The misconceptions need to be stopped and society needs to realize they are no different. They are equal. 

People are not educated on people with intellectual disabilities, which can lead to judgement. If people took five minutes a day to educate themselves the world would be a much better place. Without spending time with people who have an intellectual disability it can cause people to be close minded and ignorant. Ignorance leads to judgement and that is why education is so important to understand this population of people. 

Society needs to open their eyes to see all the different forms of equality. There are not enough people in the world who gain attention to advocate for people with intellectual disabilities. The main equality ideas that are focused on are race, pay, and gender roles. There is not near enough talk about people who have intellectual disabilities even though they are the largest minority. Society needs to pay attention to everyone to see equality everywhere. 

Inclusion should be the goal. If we simply begin to include people with intellectual disabilities people will learn how capable they are. Once people accept this population into their everyday lives everyone will live more equally. Inclusion will lead to equality. Inclusion is about creating a better world for everyone. 

Throughout our lives our parents teach us to look away or not to stare at someone who is in a wheelchair or that looks a little different because it can come off as rude. Instead we need to start teaching our kids to go say a simple “hello” and make eye contact. Even if someone is not able to say “hello” back is not an excuse to not include them. It is not hard to teach someone to be polite and learn to engage with people who are unique. Society is ignoring these amazing people. 

According to International Disability Rights Monitor, 2004 “A 2004 United States survey found that only 35 per cent of working-age persons with disabilities are in fact working, compared to 78 per cent of those without disabilities. Two-thirds of the unemployed respondents with disabilities said they would like to work but could not find jobs.” This just shows the willingness of people with intellectual disabilities and what they want to provide to society. 

Take five minutes of your day to watch this inspirational person with an intellectual disability explain her life story and how she truely prospered in society. And if this speech does not change your mind I don’t know what will. 

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