Why me........ | Teen Ink

Why me........

November 6, 2020
By Allthebrightplaces BRONZE, Gampaha, Other
Allthebrightplaces BRONZE, Gampaha, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Today this  discussion is not about speaking out for the oppressed community. But this is about learning to love them individually. We call out and March up and down the streets saying that lives matter. And most importantly they do. But has these acts caused any difference in their lives or in ours. Answer is NO. So let us try this mission in a new way. 
wy don't we try it small. We can try it with our family. To be honest my family thinks I am radical for specking up for humanity. It is their perspective and we have no right to violet that. So what we have to do is make these people understand that all the people in the world are not as much as privilleged as we are.

'You may have all the resources to live an average or a luxurious life. But people are out there who don't barley have a roof above their head. So why don't we help these people in our neighborhood before trying to conquer the world.....

'This is surely something to think about because today the world would have been a better place I'd we understand the correct way to achieve equality and spread love for all.

'Think for a moment because we all are the same even though I might be Asian or European or Hispanic........ It doesn't matter. Because I love all of you though you are not like me.

Discrimination should stop and it is about time.........

The author's comments:


'I am a young spirit waiting to be heard or get noticed. I feel a lot of energy and i through that writing for the oppressed is the best way to let it out.So here I stand....... Hope that you would join to make this world a better place.

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