It is not the world that's cruel, it's the people that live in it | Teen Ink

It is not the world that's cruel, it's the people that live in it

May 17, 2021
By Anonymous

The world is full of people and discrimination has been happening for a long time and this needs to stop.

Discrimination is so common that it's unbelievable and kids as well as adults suffer from this. The poem “jabari unmasked” is about a kid who is scared to go to high school because of her skin color. In the poem it says “world we’re fearless anything to mask the million insecurities that pockmark our skin like acne.” This proves that discrimination is bad and is making people afraid of the world.

I personally think that discrimination about your skin is bad and if people got to be in the other person's shoes they'll think the same. It is only the matter of what people think about each other, and not only one person can change what other people thinks so if we all work together we can stop racism.

But also I think this might not turn out how you expect it to be, in “little things are big” it says, “I’m a Negro and a Puerto Rican. Suppose I approach this white lady in this deserted subway station late at night. What would she say?” This shows that people are scared of what other people think about them.

In conclusion discrimination should stop because it's hurting people.

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