Gay People | Teen Ink

Gay People

December 8, 2011
By RealisticWoman BRONZE, Nowhere Land, Alabama
RealisticWoman BRONZE, Nowhere Land, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 16 comments

I believe that love is very complex. There is love for friends, love for family, love for certain items, love for certain foods, and love for a spouse. I will ponder both sides of the coin on the issue of gay and lesbians just for the sake of debates.

I, personally, do not accept gay or lesbian people. I'm not going to say that because it's a sin from the bible or anything. I believe that nature created male and female creatures to mate to produce offspring. Females and females are not able to reproduce, nor are males and males. Humans are made to love along side that instinct to couple.

There's also the fact that there are some things a father cannot offer that only a mother can and some things a mother cannot offer that only a father can.

On the other side, I think it's people's own business what they wish to do with their lives. If they find comfort in the love of the same gender, for the understanding of the situation and how the mind works, then that's okay with me. But, you don't really need the country's permission to be together. You don't have to care what others think of you. You can live in the same house and not be married, it's been done before.

I just wish they would not try to convert everyone to their side just because their different. If they minded their own business, then I would not mind them. I don't appreciate those Gay Pride marches they go on and wave it in people's faces. Just leave it and move on.

The author's comments:
Respect what I have to say, and I will respect what you have to say.

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This article has 4 comments.

yourmomma69 said...
on Apr. 19 2012 at 11:17 am
yourmomma69, Linden, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

i thinks gays are weird

unless ur a girl


on Jan. 12 2012 at 10:34 pm
savetheplanet PLATINUM, Anaheim, California
45 articles 9 photos 564 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

I agree that your article is very respectful, but I will if I can attempt to explain some of your objections. In nature there are actually over a thousand different animal species that have been documented engaging in hom.ose.xuality and counting. Two, the reason people go on ga.y pride marches is because they deal with discrimination everyday that often makes them feel inferior and quite awful about themselves. On these marches, it promotes equality as well as tolerance and knowledge for people while also getting together like-minded individuals that can be proud of who they are.

kayleigh16:) said...
on Jan. 5 2012 at 4:25 pm
i think your article is very respectful, and i appriciate that you looked at it from both sides, i think that that takes maturity.