What Is Perfection? | Teen Ink

What Is Perfection?

December 6, 2012
By Leannemarie BRONZE, Oceanside, California
Leannemarie BRONZE, Oceanside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There has been an uprising problem that has been effecting society as a whole. It is the the view of what “perfection” looks like to humans. It is portrayed everywhere, even though we may not even notice it. Through media, advertisements, books, television shows etc. We shouldn’t pay attention to the portrayal of what society’s corrupt version of perfection is.

It is human nature for people to aim towards being their version of perfect. The obsession to be perfect is everywhere. Through the media, advertisements, television shows. It is highly encouraged and influenced throughout the world. Everyone always wants something they can’t have. In this world, there is no such thing as perfect. Perfection is unachievable for the human race. We as humans, can only try to be the best we can to our abilities. This unattainable goal to be “perfect” destroys society a little at a time by eating away at people’s insecurities.

The influence of wanting to be perfect is everywhere. Even starting from such young ages. For example, Barbies are an unrealistic role model children are growing

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birthmark, illustrates how obsession with human perfection can over power love in some way or another. The main character, Aylmer is a scientist who has married a gorgeous woman, Georgina. Everyone including him thought she was the most perfect woman there could be, that was until her birthmark came to his attention. That birthmark changed his perception on how he now viewed his so called “perfect” wife. This story comes to show how people’s obsession with human perfection can impact society in a negative way, can ruin relationships with one another, and when you strive too hard for “perfection” you can never really be happy.

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