Hilarity | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing Gold Can Stay. - Robert Frost

You want to know something that I have always particularly found funny? The way most people relate back to times when everything in their life, or everything at that moment in time, was going swell and then suddenly something messes it all up. These are the stories we tell to others in conversation, or to make conversation. The kind of “laugh at my embarrassment” stories that are indeed amusing at the time but in actuality no one could care less about.

This being only one of the many different things I don’t comprehend about people. At least the majority of the population. I don’t fully grasp why people don’t ever reminisce or bring up the times when everything in their life went absolutely perfect? Why doesn’t small talk at shindigs include those stories when things actually went swimmingly in life instead of horribly? Why do others only care about hearing stories or watching popular videos when they include someone’s hilarious failure? Perhaps it’s just me that’s the odd one out with the strange opinion, but an opinion nonetheless.

If only things will change, people will change, and all of this nonsense will stop. If people could see each other for who they are instead of who they think they are strangers will start caring about other strangers more often. Or maybe people will come together one day and see each other as equals, because that’s what we are believe it or not. Maybe, just maybe, if all of this could happen, humanity would be less of a depressing, pathetic, disgusting race. Maybe we all wouldn’t assume the worst of everyone and everything, and optimism will stop being so blind.

The author's comments:
I was just writing in my journal, late late at night. I believe I was watching an older episode of George Lopez, where one of the main characters Carmen we being bullied. Then I just started writing.

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