Racial Discrimination | Teen Ink

Racial Discrimination

February 2, 2014
Nur Syafiqah Mohd Paris SILVER, Ampang, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination occurs when an individual from one race views another as other races. Racism has existed during the 19th century and is still present in the 21st century but not as cruel as it was back then. Some racist ideologies have been widely discredited after World War Two and the Holocaust but the phenomena of racism and of racial discrimination have remained widespread all over the world.

Knowing the fact that racial discrimination has occurred at many multi-cultured society, my hypothesis is that there have been and still is some racial discrimination happening in our society. I think that racial discrimination has been such a big part of people's present life and history that in our future we will still be discriminated against our race at some point in our on going life.

Many racial and ethnic groups in the United States, including blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, and others, have historically faced severe discrimination?pervasive and open denial of civil, social, political, educational, and economic opportunities. The history of racial discrimination in America shows that when it comes to race relations between African Americans and white people, many African Americans have been discriminated against.
In a system like the one that exists in modern America, social workers are fighting a losing battle. Racial discourse is so fundamental to modern media, and so heavily biased in favor of the white power structure, that changing it seems an impossible task. But great social change has happened before and it can happen again. The need for social workers will never go away because there will always be members of the population down on their luck or faced with crushing obstacles; but if race could be removed from the equation then their load might be lessened and the challenges they face on the job might be reduced.

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