Black Is Black | Teen Ink

Black Is Black

February 23, 2014
By LoveJones PLATINUM, Jamestown, North Carolina
LoveJones PLATINUM, Jamestown, North Carolina
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just to keep from crying, I laugh" ~Lil wayne

Why, as an African American female, can I represent "The Black Man" and shower everyday and still be considered "dirty," while "The White Man" can go weeks without showering and still be considered "clean?" Why is the justice system set up to view a criminal as "innocent til' proven guilty" but as soon as / when a black man (or woman) is a suspect, it almost immediately changes to "guilty til' proven innocent.(?)"
The black community is and always will be unmistakably below the community which houses white people and I won't pretend like we haven't contributed to that but, we as black people have used and savored what little The White Man has allowed us to use. Yet, we are still considered uneducated,ghetto, and (for black women)even desperate. However, when we look back at our history we can see that the modern day black man is an undeniable descendant of the people that were only allowed to attend school(s) in poor condition(s) and who fought for their right to be able to escape (the comfort of) their own homes for mere seconds without being the target of a bullet the second they walked out the door. As a matter of fact, these people didn't "fight," they practically protested. Nonetheless, these things shouldn't be used to defend the crimes committed by black people, they should be used to justify the people of the black race that are innocent yet automatically viewed as people of wrong doings and to allow changes to be made to the profile of every black person.
I should not be given the same opportunities, education, and jobs as The White Man and automatically be expected to fail because of the color of my skin. I should not be considered unstable, guilty, and/ or incapable because of my skin tone. NOt only that, but the women of my race (including myself) shouldn't be categorized as desperate individuals when, most commonly, the black woman is raising her own child by herself.
Being black isn't rewarding because of the system we are governed by, we are expected to fail, places last, and are only given chances that are available to those incapable of taking care of themselves. However, I am privileged to be an African AMerican female of African American in general because my race has fought so hard and faced many hardships.

The author's comments:
I hope people will respect my race as a race and not as a species of animals.

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