David Levithan in the LDBTQ Movement | Teen Ink

David Levithan in the LDBTQ Movement

March 4, 2014
By Livey BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Livey BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

David Levithan is a writer who through his literary work has raised awareness and support of the LGBTQ society and movements which is the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning society. He does this by writing stories about the struggles in which people in the LGBTQ society face all the time. The author was inspired by this society to show other people what they go through and wanted people to not turn away from this issue but instead become an ally of the LGBTQ society. He is also involved in the Trevor Project, a benefit to help support those who are part of the LGBTQ society who feel like they can’t be expected in today’s society. This is a very important situation to know about because it affects many people in the world and many people are bullied or aren’t accepted by family, friends, or peers because they are part of this society and this is exactly what David Levithan is trying to show in his literary works. David Levithan’s writings help people understand how people who are suffering from discrimination because of their sexual orientation are feeling and help people stand up for those suffering from discrimination and help people be more aware of this problem of discrimination.

The author's comments:
This is a reflection essay after researching the LGBTQ movement and society and researching David Levithan, a writer who supports the society.

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