Why I Never Take Sides | Teen Ink

Why I Never Take Sides

July 3, 2014
By Nyasia BRONZE, Corning, New York
Nyasia BRONZE, Corning, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is the only way to run away without leaving home

We as humans get influenced in everyday life from our first day as a baby to our last. One of the most strongest influences is our image. If we are pretty, ugly, skinny, fat tall, short, white, black ... (etc).

One of the most truest statements I have herd as a young writer is "a white person can walk out the door and forget that there white, a black person will never forget" and this statement is absolutely true.This saying isn't just based on African Americans this statement is for everyone who doesn't have the "normal" race in there community. My friend once moved to a state where the average person was African American. She got bullied everyday, and her name immediately turned into "white girl". She as a white person, was not used to feeling like an outsider and there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't walk out side the door and forget that she was white. So this statement is not referring to only African Americans it is referring to the bigger picture. Anyone who is different meaning race or size or beauty or height or gender or even intelligence... (etc). Can not forget that they are who they are.

Now you may have seen this article and thought it was about race, but it's not, its about humans being discriminative to the different. Humans grow up surrounded by the norm and when they see something outside of that, they immediately assume that they are the enemy, and they are not as good, leading all humans to think that we are a divided world, Listen to those who say "power to America", why can't we have power in the universe. this small little thought that goes through our head is simply one of the most death causing factors in human history. Just look at the holocaust, Word war 1, world war 2, all of the civil wars, and even the war that is taking place wright now in America. This separation that we have, is making us all weak. Maybe we will never learn until we die that we are all one. But if there is a chance that the world could support each other, and have faith in not only your divided section (that you happened to be born in), but have faith in all, then I'm willing to take that chance. which is why I never take sides

The author's comments:
I was born part white and part black, and my hole life I have been led to believe hat you have to take a side. For a while I was team mixed but then I realized I didn't have to take a side.

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